Welcome Peeps!

5:27 PM

This post is specially made to welcome you guys to this website. I really appreciate your willingness to visit my website. I really hope that this website will be useful to all of us in achieving the ultimate healthy active lifestyle. InshaAllah.

Here are some useful guidelines to help you browse this website:
  •  For your information, this website will work best on wide screen such as laptop, PC and tablets. For those who browse the website on your smartphone which have small screen, you might be unable to fully optimized its function in which some of the integrated apps such as shop can not be viewed and broken on the smaller screen. So, you're advised to browse the website on your laptop, tablets or PC.
  • Most of the contents of the website will be written in Malay language since the target readers are Malaysian especially Malays. Therefore, for those who do not understand Malay, you may use the Google Translator which has been implemented in the website at the bottom, right side of the page. As you know, the Google Translator might not give you the exact translation of the contents but as far as I know, even though the words and language used are not fully correct, you can at least understand what the contents are about. However, if you still confuse and do not understand certain parts of the contents, you may personally contact me through the contact form. I'll be glad to assist you with your understanding.
  • Any suggestions, inquiries and criticisms can be voiced out directly to me through the contact form here. If it is something that I can help, change, fulfill or entertain, I'll try my best to meet your expectation. InshaAllah
  • SHOP exists to provide the readers with some useful tools and equipment needed for certain activities, tips & tricks shared in the posts. Details on how to make the payment and the shipping process will be given and sent personally to the buyers through the email after the order placed successfully. No details will be provided on the website since this website is not an online shop to begin with. As usual, if you have any inquiries regarding this function, you may contact me through the contact form.
  • If you have passions in writing and interested to be one of the contributors to the website, you're welcomed to the team! Kindly contact me for further discussions. Let me see what you got dude! 

Erm. I think that's enough la kut. Anyway, if you have inquiries, just drop your comments below or fill in the contact form.  Ill try my best to answer your questions passionately (ehhh??). Thats all for now. Thanks and ENJOY YOUR READING!

Lots of Love,

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